There was a Beast........
The New Year is Coming!
The time has come.......
Who's ready for some auctions?
Still space available'
More than CHRISTmas?
Making A List, Checking It Twice............
December Cookie of the Month!
It's Never Too Early!
The Leaves......
As the chill air rustles through the cornstalks............
Reading is fundamental!
Be ready for the holidays'
Fall is in the air!
November Cookie of the Month!
Need a Party?
October Cookie of the Month
What every husband strives to be...........
A Little R and R......
September Cookie of the Month!
Campfires and Smore's!
Leaping lizards!
August Cookie of the Month
Logo Cookies!

Plants vs. WHAT???
Rain Day is Coming!
July Cookie of the Month!
We're away!
Graduation Bouquet's
June Cookie of the Month
Well, this is what happens when business is good. The cookie of the month for June are these ripe watermelons. Any event can be made even sweeter when our cookies are added. Have us arrange your order on a tray with paper fluff for an additional $3. We'll make sure you have no leftovers to take home. Our Cookie of the Month is $13 per dozen, a savings of $4.95 over our regular price.
Thank A Teacher!
Some teachers give us all the knowledge they have. Some continue to follow our progress through the years, and some become friends long after our school years are behind us. Don't forget to thank those teachers that have had such an impact on us wether you are still in school, or are a teacher yourself.
Plan for the future!
Sneak peek of our favorite designs to date!
May Cookie of the Month.
Mothers Day is coming!
School is coming to a close.......
Bakery update!
Cookie Bouquet Ideas.
Do you have someone in your life that's as old as dirt? Need a special way to tell them Happy Birthday but they already own everything? How about an imaginative cookie bouquet? We can customize our bouquets for your someone special. We will be featuring several of our bouquets over the next few days. Call us today and let us know what we can bake up for you today.